Another nice message to all GameBuddy PRO prospects: We have won a Russian manufacturer of Sim Racing Hardware as a sponsor. Aiologs under the leadership of Dmitry Mayorov is a small company in Saint Petersburg dedicated to producing devices that are affordable yet high quality. The handbrake and SQ shifter offered for Sim Racing are so well made and high quality that you do not have to be afraid of comparing them to big competitors or more expensive products. On the contrary: there are more expensive competing products that can't keep up with Aiolog's products. The advantage of the devices from Aiologs is also their compactness. Due to the minimalist cool design and the excellent quality, Aiologs devices fit perfectly to GameBuddy PRO. You can feel the high quality of the product with each shifting process and it is a real pleasure to hear the crisp mechanical click sound of the SQ Shifter. The same goes for the suppleness of the handbrake ...
More info at: http://shop.aiologs.net/shifter.html

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